Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Pretty is Power

In all relationships, the better looking of the half is almost always the de-facto leader of the situation. And, nine times out of ten the girl is cuter than the guy (and this is because guys are shallower then girls but alas, I digress). Consequently the girl is the shot-caller, which means more than half of the time you will be doing whatever it is she likes to do. This dynamic is cute for the first few weeks but if you are in this for the long haul then it turns into incremental neutering.

Believe it or not, many girls use their pretty for evil. "I don't know how to cook" means- look at me, I'm hot, we going out to a nice expensive restaurant and you're gonna open the door and pull out the chair when we get there. "I don't know how to take the bus" means- look at me, I'm hot, this tush doesn't compute anything less then the thousand thread count of Ferrari seats "I don't clean" means- look at me, I''m hot, if you want to see me naked later then you'll shut yo trap and bust some suds on them dishes.

Every Man is King

Gentlemen, if you want your power back, if you want to make a decision without a scheduled consultation, then involve yourself with a mugly girl. You are clearly easier on the eyes then she is so you can flex your authoritative muscle to no end. This ideal is not exclusive to pretty boys, any man can be a king in his relationship, that's what makes this system so great; are you a mugly guy? Cool, akunah matata, simply court a young lady that much more muglier than you, (there's gotta be someone muglier than you somewhere). To put it all in perspective for you gents the mugly girl goes as follows; DUDES, if you are an 8 or 9 your target is a 4-5, if you're a 6-7 your target is a 2-3, if you're a mug yourself you're probably scraping negatives (and that's okay).

More Bang for your Buck

To the guys still not convinced or too naive to think they'd ever involve themselves with a mugly girl, let me appeal directly to your bottom line. Mugly girls CUT better than pretty girls. There, I said it. A pretty chick, by virtue of her hawtness, puts limits and bounds in the bedroom, some more than others, "I don't swallow," "don't put that in that whole," "You wanna try whatt??" Most guys haven't had a full sexual experience in their entire lives. Let me put you on game to all the 40 year old virgins out there. "Once you go mug, there's no other girl you'll want to plug." Mugly girls are some of the most sexually uninhibited girls you'll ever know. They have bigger sexual appetites, and narrower umm ....tunnels, because they've been deprived of intimacy for so long.

OH YEAH and watch out for the big girls; if you are cutting up with a large and lovely, as my pops always says, "All you gotta do is lift up them love handles boy and a juice box awaits beneath." All in all mugly girls are better at sex because they have to be, its there compensation so they'll put up more of an effort and definitely go the extra mile.


Many guys don't think about this, but whose more likely to have the clap ?? the mugly chick that's been with 3 dudes her entire pathetic life, or that hot chick who does two a days. Hot girls are way more likely to have something lurking below because more dudes approach them and even if only a few survive "the chase" they are most likely attractive fellows which means they've had a decent hit list thereby making them more likely to be "walking heavy."

Carefree is the way to be

In conclusion, I will just say that the mugly girl system is for dudes on the grind and or dudes that don't want an official attachment. If you are about you're business whether it be a rigorous course load in school and or an ambitious career you don't have time to be at the beck and call of a hot girl who wants to feel like she's the most important thing to you. You want a mugly because you make your own schedule, you determine the frequency of visits, and facilitate the activities during said visits. The mugly won't trip if visits are once every other week, or once a day, she'll be around. Additionally, you can be your full and total self around her, go ahead and fart if you want to, curse incessantly, eat that last piece of chicken, she won't mind because at the end of the day she’s just glad to be on the ride and if she's as mug as I suggest she be then she's not going anywhere anytime soon because you are and will probably be ....the best she ever had, the best she ever had.


  1. This is bullshit .. if your a real man you poses the ability to turn a "hot" girls mentality into a "mug" girls mentality. This whole game is sadly based on manipulation... What role will you play? ... Be manipulated or the manipulator. You basically just said you dont have what it takes to really bag a "hot" girl ... step your shit up bro. Its this same mentality that causes black men to pursue white woman. Of course its easier, but any real man will gladly step up to a worthy chalenge.

  2. I agree with the comment above!! Any male that approaches any woman with this type of mentality is insecure and doesn't deserve to be with anyone period. You mean to say you wont be able to control a woman because she is attractive, so one that isn't merely attractive will do whatever you please whenever you want. That's shallow as hell! When will relationships stop being about who's in control and be more about what we're going to do TOGETHER as a PAIR to make things balance out??

  3. This is the greatest piece of literature I have read in years!
    Bad bitches get dick throw at them from every angle since they were 10 yrs old. of course even decent women too. it leads to decent chicks thinking they are vixens. If you really thing about it, this article is on point. Yes there are some shallow points, but they are points to think about. A lot of girls simply pride themselves on being pretty.thats it. theres nothing else to them. an average to less than average will actually take time to look at themselves and develop some type of personality. dont get me wrong i like bad women. but i dont think we need to bash the article completely
