Wednesday, November 17, 2010

5 Things We've Learned in College Without Going to Class

1. Sleep is the enemy.
I think this pretty much speaks for itself. When its finals week and the hours just seem to slip away, but the work piles upppp. yea. Sleep is pretty much Bin Laden. Not easily found.

2. Classes: the later the better.
The ideal schedule is class at 11:00, lunch, midday siesta, lecture at 3:30, done by 5!
This not my schedule but a girl can dream.. right?

3. Textbooks have no purpose in life.
Now I'm  convinced the book publishing business is just another money making scheme brought on by the mafia. Since when is it necessary to purchase $400 books ?!?! Madness. Currently my old Biology 121 text book is utilized as a door stopper, a mini step stool, a paper weight . . .  everything but what I bought it for -__-

4.  Nice Guys Do Finish Last
A lot of girls don't like to admit it BUT.. something in most of us are attracted to the "bad boy" persona.I too am not innocent of such behavior. So what is it that attracts us to these neanderthal era men? Deep.. deep, in my heart I know good guys must be out there somewhere, but where??? All of them seem to be either taken or gay. It's true. It seems some men are under the impression that women always turn down the nice guys. False.  Guys will continue to behave accordingly as long as women put up with it. The ones women know they should stay away from are the ones they run toward. I can only hope that someday I meet Mr. Right and he will be single, interested, and straight.

5.The"Walk of Shame" is not as FUN as last night was.
Guuuuuuuurrrrrlllll. You know the walk across campus in the same clothes as yesterday after you spent the night in someone else's room. Dread the walk of shame. And fellas this applies to you to, your not exempt, OR slick. 



  1. I like how after 3 semesters of higher education these are the key points. Lol
    But I agree with 1-3. 4 is unfortunately true but ass backwards.
    And for guys, 5 is more like the walk of gratification #imjustsayin

  2. I have heard of the nice guy vs bad guy thing, but thing is I am definition of a nice guy myself, like I believe woman should be treated with the upmost respect based on the way I was raised.But I hate being taken for granted so it is going to lead me back to being the bad guy, I mean I'm single and a nice guy in college, whats the problem?lo;

  3. I agree with this lol this is so funny. I feel bad about the nice guys finishing last but I think it goes along with "Slutty girls finish first?" Do we think this is a true or false statement ?

  4. i so agree with the slutty girls finish first. Its all about the apple tree concept. the easy to pick apples are always at the bottom, while the good ones stay on top and think they're not wanted... y'all know the rest. it's sad, but true.

  5. Walk of shame had me dying lol make up all smeared off and everyone knows what you did or what dorm you came out of. I love it

  6. Avoid the "Walk of Shame" by dressing in layers. They don't know what you have on under those clothes.

  7. I definitely agree with all of them ...And with the nice guys finishing last thing, there can be somebody out there who could essentially be perfect for you, but sometimes they really do fit into being your friend and nothing more. I feel bad about that because your best guy friend could honestly be your best match but it just doesn't happen that way and may be it shouldn't you know?

  8. @Dijah, and timing is everything too
